


Love is the most important thing in my life.

标签: love   letter  
2008-12-26 15:55 阅读(?)评论(0)

Happiness, apart from the reality I have all, in some cases, it’s deeply embedded in the hearts of me waiting for the life of love.My mother said to me,” do you remember when you are in the childhood there is a thing, so then you feel that you can’t accept, and for many years later, once again looking back, but no feelings, that means you already grow up.Now you’re an adult,if love shouldn’t be loved,miss a man shouldn’t be miss,perhaps like this a waste of your life.”

    Yes,I have to admit,my mother’s words are very right.So I begin to think about:What’s the most important in my life?So many things for me are important,but the most important thing is love,including the love of family,friends,lover.Love you the way, how far can I walk?I don’t know,but I promise,I’ll go as far as I can.

   “Finally,I trust your love”- Rabindranath Tagore in”Asuka set” on the last sentence of his poem.


December 26, 2008

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